An NGO have a different motto.

प्रिय दोस्तों,
रिकवरी हेल्थ फाउंडेशन गैर सरकारी संस्था है। जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य है लोगों को प्राकृतिक जीवन शैली सिखाना और प्राकृतिक रूप से स्वस्थ रहना, सिखाना। ताकि लोग बीमारियों, डॉक्टरों और दवाइयों से दूर रह सके। रिकवरी हेल्थ फाउंडेशन किसी भी प्रकार की औषधियां लेने के लिए सुझाव नहीं देता है।
इस संस्था के अंतर्गत गत 6 वर्षों से हम मैजिक व्यायाम बिना शुल्क सिखाते हैं। मैजिक व्यायाम दुनिया का सबसे छोटा व्यायाम है, जिसका आविष्कार राजेश कुमार गोकुल चंद झंवर ने किया है। राजेश कुमार गोकुल चंद झंवर रिकवरी हेल्थ फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष हैं।
रिकवरी हेल्थ फाउंडेशन लोगों को बिना शुल्क स्वास्थ्य सुझाव सिखाती है। जिससे लोगों को कई प्रकार की बीमारियों से प्राकृतिक रूप से आराम मिलता है। रिकवरी हेल्थ फाउंडेशन द्वारा हजारों लोगों को स्वास्थ्य लाभ मिला है। सैकड़ों लोग इस संस्था से स्वेच्छा से जुड़े हुए हैं।
आप भी इस संस्था से आसानी से जुड़ सकते हैं। हमसे संपर्क करें और पर जाएं.
Dear Friends,
Recovery Health Foundation is an NGO. The main motto of which is to teach people the natural lifestyle and to stay healthy naturally. So that people can stay away from diseases, doctors and medicines. Recovery Health Foundation does not recommend taking any type of medicines.
Under this institution for the last 6 years we teach magic exercise at no charge. Magic exercise is the world’s smallest exercise, invented by Rajesh Kumar Gokul Chand Jhanwar. Rajesh Kumar Gokul Chand Jhanwar is the President of Recovery Health Foundation.
The Recovery Health Foundation teaches people health tips at no charge. Due to which people get natural relief from many types of diseases. Thousands of people have received health benefits by the Recovery Health Foundation. Hundreds of people are voluntarily attached to this institution.
You too can easily connect with this institution. Contact us and visit
Thank you!

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Dear visitor/follower my name is Rajesh Jhanwar, A guy From India. I have created a Miraculous exercise named “maGic”™. “maGic”™ is 6 steps exercise, which has been created by keeping vision of thousands of activities of ladies and gents. First 3 steps are created by soft activities of ladies and next 3 steps are created by hard activities of gents. Effects of activities of ladies and gents had been found on human body. Those effects I have created in “maGic”™ and made a new creation of exercise. In short I can say I have tried to fill “Sea in a Sand’s Pot”. I have taught many people and got miraculous results. “recoveryhealth”™’s “maGic”™ is a 5 minute exercise, which is very simple and very much effective. “maGic”™ is Boon for overweight and diabetes patients. No any side-effects and much more….. So I want to see the whole world healthy. I always see a dream of the healthy and happy world. My mission is to save Health and Wealth. Today 10% – 15% of income of each family is spend on medicine. I think every one must be free from medicine. Be Healthy and Wealthy. “maGic”™ (a bunch of 6 steps of exercise ) is helpful for everyone to save Health and Wealth. So I am always ready to guide about “maGic”™ to people.